被公认为“世界上最好的航空公司”之一卡塔尔航空, 正热切地期待您的加入。应卡塔尔航空的要求,再次为其首都机场——多哈机场 招聘以下职位人员:
Position | Quantity | Basic salary (QR) | Commission (QAR) |
Cargo Services Agent | 40 | 2400 | Yes |
Cargo Supervisor | 40 | 4265 | Yes |
所属部门:卡塔尔航空公司Qatar Aviation Service 部门
1、Cargo Services Agent | Qatar Aviation Services | Doha
Brief description:
Reporting to the Cargo Supervisor / Duty Officer- QAS Cargo, and assists with Cargo hadling and processing at the warehouse facility with adherence to Standard Operating Procedures. He/ She must ensure that the customer’s requirements are met and when possible to the most favourable level of customer satisfaction and service quality. This position requires a combination of physical capabilities and mental capacity. Safe practices are a priority and all rules and procedures must be adhered at all times.
Applicants must have Secondary education Diploma or equivalent College Diploma with at experience in Airline Industry or Ground Handling company / Freight forwarder / Cargo Operations / Handling and Warehousing. He /She should be computer and systems literate with a thorough knowledge of Microsoft office.
Number of hires targeted: 40
2、Cargo Supervisor | Qatar Aviation Services | Doha
Brief description:
Reporting to the Cargo Duty Officer / Duty Manager- QAS Cargo, and support in establishing and providing Cargo Operational Standards, recommends practices in order to deliver quality service in accordance to customer requirements, ensuring safety, monitor and measure processes against policies, conduct quality audits and report results, take actions for continual improvement for ensuring smooth running of the day to day operations of the Cargo Terminal.
The applicant should be able to control, guide, coach, organise and supervise the staff under their jurisdiction and ensure that QAS Cargo provides total customer satisfaction with service quality excellence consistently.
The applicant must have a Bachelor’s degree in a relevant discipline and/or equivalent experience with at least 02 to 05 years’ experience in Air Cargo Operations / Handling and Warehousing. The candidate also should have good understanding of accepting Dangerous Goods and Live animals.
Number of hires targeted: 40
1. 工资:基本工资请看以上说明 (汇率约1.70)+ 奖金
2. 住宿和交通:免费提供住宿(2人一间)和交通、工作餐
3. 工作时间:每天工作8小时,每周休息1-2天(排班),有夜班(因为机场是24小时)
4. 试用期6个月
5. 每年30天带薪休假
6. 享受卡航的员工机票待遇
7. 医疗免费,其他保险等其他各项保障按照当地劳动法规定提供。
1. 20-30周岁,男女不限,主管级别年龄可适当放宽
2. 英语口语比较流利
3. 大专以上学历,最好是物流专业
4. 性格开朗、乐观、自信,亲和力强
5. 无以下传染性疾病或者病史:肝炎,携带者,大小三阳,肺结核,肺部钙化点,爱滋病等传染性疾病。
北京海宇蓝技术培训有限公司 地址:北京市东城区安定路20号院6号楼639号
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